Wednesdays are Back

Imagine a gospel without stories of Jesus’ birth, the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, the Lord’s prayer, the beatitudes or the golden rule. That’s the gospel of Mark! Mark does not include any of these well known stories. It is a very unique gospel. Mark is the shortest of the four gospels. It is also...

Back to School Blessing

Back to School Blessing   God of Wisdom and Grace, Bless all students and teachers as they begin a new year. Equip them with the tools needed to be successful, full of joy and energy. Calm any nerves or fears they may hold within their hearts. Instead, focus their minds on the opportunities and possibilities...

The Church is A…

This is going to be a big Sunday! All students should bring their backpacks to church. You will receive a special backpack tag and we will pray for your upcoming school year. We will pray for all students, teachers and parents as they embark on another year of learning. We will also give Bibles to...

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