Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”


Churches around the world will repeat this phrase tomorrow night as ash is placed on one’s forehead in the form of a cross.

Where does that phrase come from? And why do we say it?

This phrase comes from Genesis 3:19. Here’s the context:

Adam and Eve have broken their relationship with God and have succumbed to the temptation to “be like God.” In response, God lists several consequences of humanity’s decision, including:


“By the sweat of your brow

    you will eat your food

until you return to the ground,

    since from it you were taken;

for dust you are

    and to dust you will return.”

-Genesis 3:19


God reminds humanity of its mortality. God formed Adam from the ground, breathing life into his lungs. One day, Adam will die, and will return to the ground.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

You may be wondering: Why in the world do we focus on such a depressing topic! I want to be uplifted when I go to church; I do not want to contemplate my own mortality.

Yet…the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We start the season by remembering that our very lives are in God’s hands.

We are completely dependent upon our creator.

This recognition starts the journey as we embark on a 40-day trek toward Easter.

Easter is about resurrection and the power of Jesus to conquer the grave.

Lent begins with death and ends in resurrection.
I hope you’ll join us at one of our Ash Wednesday services tomorrow.

11:30 am— 30 minute Ash Wednesday service

5:45 pm— Pancake Dinner

6:30 pm—Ash Wednesday Service with the choir

The imposition of ashes will be offered at both services.


P.S. The Capital Campaign has begun! There are three ways you can turn in your commitment:

1. Place it in the box in the Gathering Area.

2. Email it to our treasurer, Joe Lampron.

3. Submit it online here:

We hope to have commitments submitted by March 23. Thank you for your generous support! Together, we can accomplish this amazing vision for Unity’s future.

See you on Sunday!

–Pastor David

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