Commitment & Celebration

I’m so excited!! This Sunday is Commitment Sunday. On March 23, you’ll have the opportunity to be part of Our Legacy, Our Future by turning in your Commitment Card. In addition, you can also bring along any “First Fruits” offering that you’d like to make as a first payment towards your pledge. When making an...

Four Summer Camps

Summer may seem far away, but it doesn’t feel that way to most parents. Summer break begins on May 22 for Lincoln County schools and parents (especially those who are working full time) are currently making decisions about how their kids will spend their summer. The church is here to help! The Children and Youth...

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”   Churches around the world will repeat this phrase tomorrow night as ash is placed on one’s forehead in the form of a cross. Where does that phrase come from? And why do we say it? This phrase comes from Genesis 3:19. Here’s the...

March Worship Calendar

This Sunday, we will start a new four-week sermon series highlighting the themes of our capital campaign. Here is our upcoming worship calendar: March 2- Theme: Faithfulness Our focus will be on Psalm 100: Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.  ...

Our Legacy – Our Future

The excitement is starting to build! As more people hear about the vision of the capital campaign, anticipation is rising. On Sunday, about 300 attended one of the services, and I heard from multiple people, “Wow, it was hard to find a parking spot today.” I’d chuckle and say, “Don’t worry. We’ve got a plan...

God’s Masterpiece

This past Sunday, we explored how God seeks to mold us into the image of Jesus by being the “refining fire.” I showed a 3-minute clip of a longer video that I promised to share with you. Here is the link:  Skit Guys: Original Masterpiece It is a great video! When you have an extra...

Exciting Opportunities

For many months, a team at Unity has been diligently working to create the capital campaign. I’d like to take a moment to introduce them to you. Capital Campaign Team Stan Joyner Josh Gottfrid Debbie Dysart Cynthia Mashburn Marty Smith Wade Wilson Doug Phillips Ron and Anna Wilbanks I’d like to thank this team for...

Exciting Opportunities

Welcome to the next exciting step in our journey! God continues to do new things at Unity, and you are a vital part of it! When Unity started in 1764, no one could imagine what it would look like in 2025. What began as a group of pioneers creating the very first church in Denver...

The Season of Advent

This Sunday marks the beginning of the season of Advent. There is much to celebrate this time of year. Yet I recognize it is not only excitement that builds. Our stress has a way of growing as well. There are additional things to pay for, extra cards to address, more events to plan, more meals...

An Incredible Weekend

WOW! What a weekend. The golf tournament, fall festival, and pig pickin’ all within 48 hours. Whew! Let’s start backward. Golf Tournament The golf tournament was at capacity with 120 people including golfers and dozens of volunteers. A group of 15 people from Unity have worked tirelessly over the past six months to plan the...

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