Courage Week 2

Allow me to introduce you to Paul Tillich. Paul was a German theologian who fled the Nazi regime in the 1930s and settled in America. Based on his experiences, he wrote a book called The Courage To Be. In this book he notes that there are many aspects of our world that can lead us...

Courage Week 1

Courage— the ability to do something that frightens one. Courage— strength in the face of pain or grief. Where do you need courage right now? Let’s face it— there are a lot of scary events happening right now in our world. Afghanistan is in turmoil. The Delta variant is surging. All of this can seem...

Updated Guidance

Unity’s session has authorized new COVID protocols on Unity’s campus in response the surge we are experiencing right now due to the Delta variant. Masks are now required indoors (including worship). This includes both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Social distancing will be re-instituted within the sanctuary (e.g., every other row seating, space between congregants). On-campus...

Union Presbyterian Seminary

Pastors are given two weeks of Continuing Education each year as a part of their Terms of Call. The reason for this is so pastors can always be learning and growing. The more I learn and develop spiritually and vocationally, the more I can teach and assist the congregation in their efforts to learn and grow....

Who Was John?

The Gospel of John has been called the literary masterpiece of the ancient world. John Calvin remarked that while the first three Gospels reveal the body of Jesus, the Gospel of John reveals the soul of Jesus. John’s poetic style of writing is distinctive from the other Gospels. Simply put, it is many people’s favorite...

Who Was Matthew?

The Gospel of Matthew is often called the Teacher’s Gospel because of its emphasis on Jesus’ teaching. Consider that the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ longest section of teaching in the Bible, is recorded in Matthew 5-7. Matthew cared about Jesus’ words— what he said and why he said it. Who was Matthew? Matthew was...

Who Was Mark?

The Gospel of Mark was the first of the four Gospels to be written, somewhere around 65 A.D. It is also the shortest Gospel. It is estimated that the average reader could read Mark in one and a half hours— which makes it great for summer reading! Mark is unique for the stories of Jesus...

Who Was Luke?

Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth...

Lincolnton’s Organizing Pastor

Get to know Reed Conley, Organizing Pastor of the new Lincolnton church! The planting of the new Presbyterian church in Lincolnton is a partnership between the Presbytery of Western North Carolina and Unity Presbyterian Church. A Steering Committee was created with three Presbyterian pastors from the Presbytery and three elders from Unity, and a representative...

Rocky Railway VBS

Vacation Bible School is off to a fantastic start! This year we have 70 kids registered and numerous volunteers. Our Children’s Director, Bailey Beam, is the director. It has been outstanding. The theme is Rocky Railway: Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through. Each morning begins with songs and dances. The children then watch a skit between...

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