Who Was Mark?

The Gospel of Mark was the first of the four Gospels to be written, somewhere around 65 A.D. It is also the shortest Gospel. It is estimated that the average reader could read Mark in one and a half hours— which makes it great for summer reading! Mark is unique for the stories of Jesus...

Who Was Luke?

Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth...

Lincolnton’s Organizing Pastor

Get to know Reed Conley, Organizing Pastor of the new Lincolnton church! The planting of the new Presbyterian church in Lincolnton is a partnership between the Presbytery of Western North Carolina and Unity Presbyterian Church. A Steering Committee was created with three Presbyterian pastors from the Presbytery and three elders from Unity, and a representative...

Rocky Railway VBS

Vacation Bible School is off to a fantastic start! This year we have 70 kids registered and numerous volunteers. Our Children’s Director, Bailey Beam, is the director. It has been outstanding. The theme is Rocky Railway: Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through. Each morning begins with songs and dances. The children then watch a skit between...

Help Us Name a Church

Pictured above– our rental space for the new church in Lincolnton. This is in the Anderson building off of Main Street. In 1764, a church was created by a group of settlers in North Carolina. This church was called “Beattie’s Meeting House,” named after pioneer John Beattie. These settlers were of Scotch-Irish descent and of...

A Bold Step Toward Unity

Unity…the name of our church and also one of the world’s greatest needs. When you look around the world, what words best describe what you see and experience? Agreement or Disagreement? Solidarity or Division? Harmony or Discord? Cohesion or Conflict? I believe Jesus sees our world right now and is saddened by the amount of...

A Big Sunday!

Pastor Dana has been serving as Unity’s Associate Pastor for just over a year! In a typical year, the incoming pastor is installed within the first month or so after their arrival. This past year has been anything but typical. Thankfully, we are slowly getting back to normal. I am happy to announce that Pastor...

New COVID Policies

On Thursday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new COVID recommendations. Fully vaccinated individuals can now go without masks or social distancing in most settings. Based on the CDC’s guidance, North Carolina enacted similar recommendations. The session of Unity met last night to discuss the new recommendations. Unity’s Updated COVID protocols 1. Masks...

The Problem of Evil – Walking in Their Shoes Part 4

This Sunday will be the last week in our Walking In Their Shoes series. Therefore, today is the last blog entry exploring the minor prophets. Today we will study Habakkuk. Habakkuk is not often studied or preached on— probably because of his very hard to pronounce name! But to ignore Habakkuk is to miss incredible...

Walking in Their Shoes – Part 3

Today we will continue our explanation of the minor prophets (i.e. shorter in length) with a look at Zechariah. The name Zechariah means God has remembered. How beautiful. At times, God can feel distant or even absent from daily life. I’m sure most of us have had times where we’ve wondered, “God, where are you?...

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