Walking in Their Shoes Part 2

This Sunday is week 2 of our Walking In Their Shoes series. The Biblical basis for this series is the prophets. Through this blog I plan to highlight important verses from some of the little-known prophets. In seminary we were taught that the prophets were divided into two groups: the major prophets and the minor...

Whose Shoes are Those?

What’s with those shoes? You may wonder that on Sunday as you see a variety of different shoes hanging on the backdrop in the sanctuary. You’ll see work boots, sports cleats, kids shoes, dance shoes, muddy shoes, pristine shoes, military boots, high heels— all types of shoes. Why? Because we are starting a new five-week...

My Morning Walk

This past Sunday morning I walked from my office to the sanctuary at about 8 am to prepare for the morning worship service. I have come to immensely enjoy this time. My walk, although short, has become a quiet time of prayer before the busyness of Sunday mornings. As I walk, I look around at...

What’s Your Starting Point?

Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, who had been brought up with Herod the emperor, and Saul. -Acts 13:1 Whoa, whoa…wait. Sometimes you have to read Scripture slowly or else you are going to miss really neat things. Did you notice Manaen? Who was he? Manaen, who had been brought...

A Cautious, Hopeful Plan

The session met last night and made some decisions in regards to slowly reopening Unity’s campus. I’ll highlight the changes below. Change 1: Eliminated Registration You no longer need to register in order to come to church. You can just come. Registration was implemented when we needed to strictly control the amount of people in...

Becoming a Godly Friend

“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” -Proverbs 27:9 As we continue our study of the Book of Proverbs, we turn to the topic of friendship. What do the proverbs have to say about creating and maintaining friendships? Quite a lot, actually! The Bible is extremely practical in nature. Let’s learn together. A friend loves at...

Children, Parents, Spouses, and Veggies

Wisdom in the Bible is not an abstract concept, but a pragmatic tool. The book of Proverbs realizes this and offers many wise sayings that directly impact daily life. In today’s exploration of the proverbs, we will study sayings that deal specifically with family. Start children off on the way they should go, and even...

Sweet as Honey

Solid, practical advice. The book of Proverbs does not teach timeless truths that are applicable in every situation. Instead, proverbs are generally accepted wisdom that will help the reader live a good life. This Lenten season we will be studying the topic of wisdom on Sunday mornings. In conjunction with this, I will be writing...

A 40 Day Journey

Repentance. Reflection. Celebration. Tomorrow the church universal will celebrate Ash Wednesday. This church holiday marks the beginning of the season of Lent—the roughly 40 days before Easter. Historically, Christians have used this season to highlight three themes. (1) Repentance. To repent means to turn around. The idea is to recognize the parts of your life...

Faith Fuel Program

Allow me to introduce you to Favour. Favour is an 11 year old girl who lives in Nigeria. Through your support of Unity’s mission programs, Favour is supported financially so that she can receive an education. Unity partners with Access to Success to promote faith, education and family support in Nigeria. A2S supports 250 children...

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