Ecclesiastes Study Begins Today

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” -Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 So…how do we interpret these words? Ecclesiastes is a unique book within the biblical canon. Some commentators call it the strangest book in the Bible. Ecclesiastes seeks to answer one basic question: “What is the meaning of life?” There are several themes present...

2021 GO

How are your New Year’s resolutions going? This past Sunday I asked Unity to adopt a resolution for this year. Really, it’s more of an intention of what we choose to focus our time and energy on. We resolve to GO. Go where? To GO out into the world and create new disciples. Yes, we...

Living Christmas Every Day

Two years ago my family started a new family tradition: Elf on the Shelf. We did not buy the “official” elf but instead used an elf ornament that we already had. Here’s how it works: each night I hide the elf somewhere around the house. In the morning the kids try to find it. Sometimes...

Intentional Presence

This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. Each Sunday we will study a title that was given to Jesus. This coming Sunday’s title is Emmanuel. “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” -Matthew 1:23 To...

The Countdown

This Sunday is the 2nd Sunday in Advent. As I write this, there are 23 days left until Christmas. Sorry, I didn’t state that correctly. THERE ARE 23 DAYS LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!! The excitement in my home is very high with two school-aged kids counting down the days. They are looking forward to opening presents,...

The Luminosity of Advent

“This joy in God is not like any pleasure found in physical or intellectual satisfaction. Nor is it such as a friend experiences in the presence of a friend. But, if we are to use any such analogy, it is more like the eye rejoicing in light.” -St. Augustine St. Augustine wrote about the joy...

Advent Study Begins Dec 2

  Matthew begins his Gospel telling us that Jesus is ‘God with us’—Emmanuel. At the end of his Gospel, he recounts Jesus’s final words to his disciples, ‘I am with you always, to the end of the age’ (Matthew 28:20). It is not just that God was with us in Jesus, but that Jesus continues...

Most Influential Christian Books – Part 2

I’ve already shared half of my Top 10 list for most influential Christian books. Time for my final five. Here it goes: The Celebration Of Discipline by Richard Foster Why should we celebrate discipline? This book advertises itself for Christians who are interested in spiritual growth. Discipline leads to growth. This book explores spiritual practices that will...

Most Influential Christian Books – part 1

What are the top ten books that have influenced your understanding of Christianity? I was asked this recently by a congregation member and I thought it was a great question! I took some time to create my list, which I will share with you. I’m going to start by sharing the top 5, and then I’ll...

Guide to Reopening

Watch this video to learn about Unity’s reopening guidelines. Unity is going to allow up to 50 people to come worship in-person starting this Sunday. Please watch the video to learn more about the reopening guidelines. You will need to register so that we know that you are coming. You can register for the 9:30...

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