Most Influential Christian Books – Part 2

I’ve already shared half of my Top 10 list for most influential Christian books. Time for my final five. Here it goes: The Celebration Of Discipline by Richard Foster Why should we celebrate discipline? This book advertises itself for Christians who are interested in spiritual growth. Discipline leads to growth. This book explores spiritual practices that will...

Most Influential Christian Books – part 1

What are the top ten books that have influenced your understanding of Christianity? I was asked this recently by a congregation member and I thought it was a great question! I took some time to create my list, which I will share with you. I’m going to start by sharing the top 5, and then I’ll...

Guide to Reopening

Watch this video to learn about Unity’s reopening guidelines. Unity is going to allow up to 50 people to come worship in-person starting this Sunday. Please watch the video to learn more about the reopening guidelines. You will need to register so that we know that you are coming. You can register for the 9:30...

Unique and Incomparable

Talent. Gift. Ability. Opportunity. Each one of us is given unique characteristics by God. I want you to pay attention to the word unique. No two people are alike. This is by design. God has made us all unique. You are incomparable.  Part of the fun of this life is discovering how God has made...

Unity 2021

This Sunday is one of my favorites. Visioning Sunday. Each year Unity sets one Sunday aside for prayer and discernment. The central questions:  What is God’s will for Unity in the upcoming year? What is God’s vision for this church in 2021? This is our chance to pause, reflect, and dream. Pause from the busyness...

The Final Characteristic

Unity is a community of people who… Seek Justice “Learn to do right, seek justice, correct the oppressor, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” -Isaiah 1:17 We have arrived at the final characteristic of Unity Presbyterian Church. Unity is a community of people who seek justice in the world. Justice is the work of...

Be Known By Love

Unity is a community of people who seek to… Be Known By Love This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:35 It is the night that Jesus is arrested. He shares the passover meal for the last time with his close friends, the...

Embrace the Mystery

Unity is a community of people who seek to… Embrace The Mystery The mystery is that Christ lives in you, and he is your hope of sharing in God’s glory. -Colossians 1:27 I love a good mystery. I thoroughly enjoy reading mystery novels because they keep you guessing. The novel twists and turns as the...

Continue Jesus’ Work

Unity is a community of people who seek to… Continue Jesus’ Work God did this to equip all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the church, the body of Christ. -Ephesians 4:12 When you want to pick up a pencil, how do you do it? That probably sounds...

Week 2: Matthew 24:14

Unity is a community of people who seek to… Transform the World The Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it… -Matthew 24:14 What is the difference between a thriving church and a dying church? In Tampa I chaired a committee that met with churches...

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