Week 1: Ephesians 3:20

Unity is a community of people who seek to… Dream Big All glory to God, who is able, through God’s mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or imagine. -Ephesians 3:20 Over the next six weeks we will be exploring the six characteristics of Unity Presbyterian Church. Today we...

Purpose: Our Reason for Being

If I asked you to describe Unity Presbyterian Church, what kind of words would you use? I bet I can guess a couple of them. Warm. Friendly. Supportive Community. I recently asked the session and staff of Unity to dig a bit deeper. I did not want them to simply describe Unity, I wanted them...

A Lament

The book of Psalms is the largest book in the Bible. It is comprised of 150 songs (“psalms”), poems, and artistic musings toward God. In one interesting study, researchers examined the book and attempted to assign a theme to each psalm. They found that of all the psalms, 60% included themes of praise and 40% included...

The Story of Daniel

“Daniel is a story of kingdoms: human kingdoms that rise and fall, and God’s kingdom, which rises and remains.” -Paul R. House You are invited to join a new Bible study that is beginning today: the study of the book of Daniel! Each Tuesday at 4 pm we will study Daniel via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/691556581....

Succeeding Together

After careful deliberation last night, the session unanimously decided to postpone in-person worship to a later date. Therefore, there will not be having in-person worship this Sunday. We will continue to meet virtually by live-streaming the worship service through our website and Facebook. Some of you will be relieved to hear this news. Others will...

Elder Nominations

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is governed by a representative body called the session. Unity’s session is made up of 12 elders and 2 youth elders. Elders are men and women of the church who seek to guide Unity by seeking God’s will in this particular place and time. Presbyterians are unique in this form of...

Refugee Initiative @ Unity

Pictured above- refugees fleeing Syria during their civil war.  When I lived in Tampa I worked extensively with refugee populations. Refugee is a status that may be granted to people who have been persecuted on account of race, religion, nationality, and/or membership in a particular social group or political opinion. A refugee is a person or a...

The Cross

Images of hope. That is what today’s newsletter is dedicated to. Why? Because our world is broken and hurting right now. A global pandemic. Massive unrest. It is a bit like living in a pressure cooker. Christians have a responsibility to strive for change in order to make the world look more like the kingdom...

Faith Formation

All of us are spending a great deal more time at home due to the pandemic. I encourage you to use this time to explore your faith in new ways. To that end, Unity is announcing two new study opportunities. How Did We Get The Bible? Tuesdays at 4 pm. This Zoom link will work...

A Video from Pastor David

Please watch the video and then fill out the in-person worship survey. Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7K3Q59L The survey takes just a couple of minutes to fill out. Please take some time to let us know your thoughts and feelings on in-person worship. This Sunday is Pentecost. We will celebrate the coming...

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