A 3 Phase Approach

A limitation can become an opportunity. What did Paul and Silas do when they were unlawfully thrown into prison? “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” -Acts 16:25 Paul and Silas respond to their imprisonment with prayer and worship. And guess what? The other prisoners...

An Unexpected Date Night

Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  -Galatians 6:2 What is the law of Christ? It is a law of love. Love one another, as I have loved you. One way we can demonstrate love is by bearing one another’s burdens. Can you think of a time...

Comfort in a Crisis

Congregation member Elaine Easterling e-mailed the Unity Prayer Group a Bible passage that I found especially meaningful. Notice how many times Paul uses the word comfort. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we...

The Taking of Christ

It is now Holy Week. This week we will share the stories of the last days of Jesus’ life. I hope you’ll join us on-line this Thursday at 7 pm for our Maundy Thursday service. The picture above is a painting called “The Taking Of Christ” by the Italian artist Caravaggio. It was painted in...

2nd Century Response to the Plague

Whew—another week of social distancing! How are you doing? I pray that God will give you endurance to see you through this challenging time. May you continue to maintain a positive attitude, a generous spirit, and a grace-filled heart. Personally, I find it helpful to look back in history to see how Christians have responded...

Next Steps for Unity

I am thrilled to report that Unity has raised over $18,000 for its “Virus Relief Fund.” Forty people have already been sent checks of $200. WAY TO GO! I am so proud of this church. More need is arising every day in our community. Just yesterday the governor announced the closing of all salons, movie theaters,...

Unity Responds

a·dapt /əˈdapt/ To make something suitable for a new use or purpose; modify. Let’s be honest here; who really likes to adapt? After all, most of us create the rhythms and routines of our lives because we like them. They are comfortable. We are used to them. When we are forced to adapt to a...

Introducing Rev. Dana Seiler

I am THRILLED to announce the hiring of Rev. Dana Seiler as Unity’s Associate Pastor! The congregational vote was unanimous and enthusiastic on Sunday. Dana’s first Sunday at Unity will be May 3. A welcome reception will be held after each service. As a way of getting to know Dana, I e-mailed her a couple...

700 Years Later

On Sunday we began a new series titled 40 Days Of Promise. During this series we will study the life of Abraham and the promises that God made to him.    The name Abraham אַבְרָהָם means exalted father in Hebrew.  Abraham is regarded as the father of the Jewish nation. Last week we learned how...

Ash Wednesday Invitation

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Most churches around the world will be repeating this phrase tonight as they participate in an Ash Wednesday service. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent…but what is it all about? I’d like to highlight three things: dependency, shared humanity and preparation....

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