The Real Moral of Jonah’s Story

What is the story of Jonah about? “That’s easy,” you say. “Jonah is a story about a man who is swallowed by a fish!” Well…that is in the story…but that is not what the story is about. The story is about the city of Nineveh. Nineveh is within the country of Assyria. Jonah hated the...

Confirmation 2020

This Sunday we will celebrate our Confirmation students. These students spent a weekend in January at a retreat center in the Blue Ridge mountains. On our first night in the cabin, we began discussing what God is like. I asked the group of students to reflect on two questions: If a friend approached you and...

Spiritual Transformation

We have been studying the Kingdom of God in worship on Sundays. Today, I want to explore Jesus’ words in John 3 when he has a conversation with a religious leader, Nicodemus. Nicodemus is a member of a Jewish sect that was adamantly opposed to Jesus. Yet…Nic (new nickname of Nicodemus!) is so interested in...

Authentic Community

Did you miss the big announcement? Beginning on March 1, I am inviting all church members to join a Unity Group for a six-week period. Each group will meet once a week at a time/day that works best for their schedule. Sign up here: George Gallup said, “Americans are among the loneliest people in the...

Spiritual Transformation

We have been studying the Kingdom of God in worship on Sundays. Today, I want to explore Jesus’ words in John 3 when he has a conversation with a religious leader, Nicodemus. Nicodemus is a member of a Jewish sect that was adamantly opposed to Jesus. Yet…Nic (new nickname of Nicodemus!) is so interested in...

Bible Study on Acts

“The book of Acts tells the story of the early Christian church with all the flair of an exciting adventure novel.” -Mark Allan Powell Every Tuesday at 4 pm we will be studying the Book of Acts. All are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for this study. We began last week and...

Solar Opportunity

“As people of faith, we believe that God created this world, called it good and told humans to care for it. We are blessed to have this sacred task.”  This is a statement from our denomination, the Presbyterian Church USA, as it encourages all of its congregations to care for God’s creation. As a way...

Happy (Almost) New Year

What will 2020 bring for you? We cannot predict the future. We do not know what the joys and struggles of this next year will be. BUT…we do know that God will be present in all we go through. God can use all that we experience, the good and the bad, to draw us closer...

Staff Reflections

Today I got to have a Christmas lunch with Unity’s staff. What a wonderful group of people! They are motivated by their love for God, they work extremely hard, and they are joy to be around. I asked each staff member to share with me one of their most meaningful experiences at Unity in 2019....

A Season of Gratitude

I am in a thankful mood. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it has me thinking about all the things I’m thankful for. I am thankful to be leading the Pre-School Family Chapel tomorrow morning. Every other week the Unity pre-schoolers join Bailey Beam and I in the chapel for songs and a Bible...

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