The Church is A…

This is going to be a big Sunday! All students should bring their backpacks to church. You will receive a special backpack tag and we will pray for your upcoming school year. We will pray for all students, teachers and parents as they embark on another year of learning. We will also give Bibles to...

Symbols of our Faith

I wish I could remember the first time I saw a rainbow. What did it feel like to suddenly see a spectacular blast of colors precisely positioned in the sky? Even as an adult, I still stop to gape whenever I witness the beauty of a rainbow. I bet you do too. How many times...

VBS Reflections

As of writing this, we are halfway through Vacation Bible School! So far, it has been phenomenal. 130 kids have shown up in the first two days. Over 40 volunteers have assisted them. Here’s a rundown of the schedule: 8:30 to 9 am: Big Opener Pastor Dana and I lead a skit about an underwater...

Divine Disruptions

Now that we’re past Memorial Day, it feels like summer has officially begun. The humidity is creeping up. Temperatures are rising. Pools are open. School is out. Starting on Sunday, we will begin a Summer Series called Divine Disruptions. Do you like to be disrupted? Me either. I don’t enjoy feeling interrupted when I’m concentrating...

Homecoming – 260 Years and Counting…

What were you doing 260 years ago? Wait…you say you weren’t born yet? Me either. None of us were alive back then. But this church existed. Unity Presbyterian Church began in 1764— exactly 260 years ago. Generations of Christians have worshipped and glorified God on this very spot for generations. You are a part of...

The BIG Month of May

We have a big month ahead of us! Every Sunday brings a new theme in worship. May 5— Youth Sunday The middle and high schoolers will lead both services. They have been hard at work planning these services over the past month. Two of our seniors will deliver the sermon (thanks Maggie Combs and Emerson...

New Preaching Series

Do you hear the trumpet sound? It’s ringing throughout the town! It is the sound that marks the Year of Jubilee! Ok, so there was no trumpet sound throughout Denver (although there was a solar eclipse). But if you lived in ancient Israel, every 50 years this sound would mark the beginning of something new....

Holy Week

Most things will go on as normal this week. Schools will still teach. Work doesn’t stop. Groceries still need to be shopped for. Dogs still need to be walked. But this is not an ordinary week. This week is holy. To make something holy is to set it apart for the purposes of God. Traditionally,...

Up Close

For the people who drew close to Jesus, everything changed. That is the premise behind our new preaching series: Up Close. Throughout Lent, we will study stories of individuals whose lives were changed when they were up close to Jesus. We all have a choice of how close we want to draw near to Jesus....

A Reluctant Prophet

Are you staying dry out there? I am writing this from the church office while sipping a hot cup of coffee and thinking warm thoughts. The rain has been steady all day but has really picked up in the last hour. It almost makes you feel like Jonah, doesn’t it? Speaking of Jonah (how’s that...

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