Can You Hear It?

Wisdom wizdəm noun – The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. – Oxford Dictionary Did you know that the Bible has a whole section of books classified as Wisdom Literature? The biblical authors cared deeply about gaining wisdom and making wise choices. The books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs,...

Green Pastures

God makes me lie down in green pastures. Psalm 23:2 Baaa!! I have never raised sheep before. My guess is that in our modern world, many of us have not spent a ton of time around sheep. During the period of the Old and New Testament, most people lived in a agricultural society. Therefore, the...

New Sermon Series – I AM

This week we begin a brand new series- The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus. On Sunday we discussed how God reveals his divine name (I AM/YHWH) to Moses in Exodus 3. In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses the divine name seven times in order to describe God in relatable terms. If you’ve ever...

My First Campmeeting

I have been here at Unity for about a year and a half now, and I continue to experience “firsts” in the Denver area. This weekend, my family experienced another first: campmeeting! This sort of tradition did not exist in Seattle or Tampa. We attended the Children’s Day on Saturday. We got to experience pig...

In Their Own Words

In January I preached about Unity’s 2019 Theme Verse: “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  -Colossians 3:17 Unity is a mission-focused church, and one way to respond to our theme verse is through the support of mission trips....

Summer Crops

Summer is a perfect time for new experiences. My family and I have just returned from a trip to visit Sarah’s family in Minnesota. It was fun to spend time in a state that has miles and miles of farmland. Each day we drove past fields of corn that were taller than me. We got...

Welcome Bailey Beam

     I’d like to introduce you to Unity’s new Children’s Director: Bailey Beam! After months of hard work, the Children & Youth Team decided that Bailey would be the perfect addition to our staff. I am thrilled to have her leading our children’s programs. She is enthusiastic and has an obvious passion for the...

Whitworth Summit

Hello from Whitworth University! I am on continuing education this week at my alma mater. I am at the same pastor’s conference that I attended last year. This year the evening speaker is the Rev. Luke Powery. He is dean of Duke University chapel and is a professor of homiletics at Duke Divinity School. Luke...

Haiti Mission Trip

Tanya Koehler, Autumn Koehler, and Kate Conrad are back from a week long mission trip to Haiti. Here is a summary in their own words: Tanya: Haiti is the place where Autumn and I left a piece of our hearts, but the pieces we received from others is beyond comprehension. I know we’ll be back....

Vacation Bible School 2019

Vacation Bible School is in full swing! I can’t tell you how proud I am of Unity. We are hosting over 100 kids for VBS. Countless volunteers are giving of their time and energy this week. Many are leading teams, sharing snacks, and participating in games and songs and dances. This is what church is...

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