God’s Design

On Sunday, I encouraged you to look for God’s design within the world. I gave the example of the wolves being reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park (you can learn more at https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wolf-reintroduction-changes-ecosystem). What examples of God’s design did you find this week? E-mail them to me at david@unitypres.org. In Romans Paul tells us, “Ever since...

Let There Be…

Our Summer Series “Let There Be…” begins THIS SUNDAY! I can’t wait. I am so excited.  This summer we will study the first four chapters of Genesis and the incredible way that God created the world. We will also explore practical ways that we can take care of God’s creation.  I am awestruck when I...


As the deer pants for streams of water,     so my soul yearns for you, my God. -Psalm 42:1 A deer relies on a stream of water for its existence. Without access to water, the deer will not survive. To pant means to breath with short, quick breaths. Panting is usually the result of physical exertion. As I...

A Common Desire

There is a common human desire that is present in most people. I bet you feel it. You probably have felt it for a long time. We share the desire for our life’s work to have meaning.  None of us wants to go through life with a feeling of pointless in our activities. Rather, we...

Hello from Montreat

Yesterday I was in Montreat for the quarterly Presbytery meeting. It is such a joy to gather with other pastors and elders from around Western North Carolina. At yesterday’s meeting we studied the future staffing model for our Presbytery. It will have to be a new staffing model because after years of service to our...

Cool or Warm?

Thank you for your support and encouragement of Youth Sunday! I am overjoyed at the amount of enthusiasm and passion our youth bring to leading worship. I am especially encouraged when I see the depth of their faith. I know the church is in good hands–both now and into the future. This group of youth...

The Holiest of Weeks

This will be a special week. This week we get to focus, specifically and intentionally, on the last days of Jesus’ life. In many ways, your week may seem normal. You still have to go to work. You still have to take the kids to school. The chores of cooking dinner or doing the laundry...

Whatever You Do…

“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31 On Sunday we studied the spiritual practice of worship. Worship is your response to who God is and what God has done in your life. The goal we set out was to worship God daily–not just on Sundays. This verse from...

What’s in Your Backpack?

“Carry love and faithfulness with you wherever you go.”  That was one of the takeaways from Sunday’s sermon on the Proverbs. In today’s blog, I’d like to explore some specific ways we can carry positive attributes with us from moment to moment. We carry feelings with us throughout the day. Unfortunately, sometimes we carry negative...

Prayer as a Way of Life

“Lay before God what is in us, not what ought to be in us.” – C.S. Lewis Prayer can be intimidating to those who believe that you must say the right words or be in the right mood in order to pray. This is not true. Prayer is simply the practice of communicating with God....

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