Wait. Slow. Rest.

This past Sunday we studied how Jesus often went to a deserted place to pray by himself. The Scriptures remind us of our need for solitude. Our need to slow down. Our need to rest in God.  Easier said than done, right? I find the words of Psalm 62 to be inspiring.    “For God...

Hesed House Meals

Gail Shiflett helps a mom eat in peace by holding a young resident of Hesed House during Tuesday night’s dinner. On Tuesday, March 5, the Tuesday Night Bible Study took a meal to the residents at Hesed House, Lincoln County’s only homeless shelter. Five crock pots of stew were quickly gone and items were left...

Children’s Book Drive

Thank you to everyone who brought books or donated money to our book drive for the summer reading program at area schools. We collected a total of 438 books to be donated to area students. It is our hope that by making books more accessible, a love of reading will grow in places that may...

Dust to Dust

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Most churches around the world will be repeating that phrase tomorrow night before putting ashes on the forehead or hand. Where does that phrase come from? And why do we say it? This phrase comes from Genesis 3:19. Adam and Eve have broken their...

Step One to Spiritual Growth

This season of Lent we are journeying through a series titled 40 Days of Growth. This past Sunday we studied how Jesus wrote the Bible on his heart. This means that in times of challenge or distress, Jesus did not have to look for a Bible for help. Instead, Jesus knew the Bible so well...

Morning Mercies

“Your mercies are new every morning;     great is your faithfulness.” -Lamentations 3:23 Do you recognize this Bible verse? It is a popular one, a verse often memorized and recited. This verse encourages us to remember that God is with us each day. No matter what happened yesterday…no matter what may happen tomorrow…God is here TODAY. ...


The world’s first autobiography was written by St. Augustine around 400 A.D. Augustine is thought to be the first person (at least in western civilization) to write a comprehensive account of his life. What makes his autobiography really interesting is that he writes it as a prayer to God. Augustine writes to God about the...

The Wife of Chuza

I want to introduce you to a fascinating person in the Bible. Her name is Joanna. Joanna is with a group of women who have been following Jesus and supporting Jesus out of their own means. And Joanna had access to a lot of means. As you read this next passage of scripture, pay attention...


Jesus looked out at the large crowd that had gathered. His disciples told Jesus that the crowd would soon be hungry, so he should send them home. Jesus responded with about the last thing the disciples expected to hear: “You give them something to eat.” You know the story, don’t you? You’ve probably heard your fair share of...

What’s in a Name?

Have you had the experience at church before when someone approaches you during the greeting time and, with a big smile on their face, says, “Hi! It is so good to see you again!” And you can’t remember their name. You recognize them. You know you’ve said “hi” to them (perhaps on numerous occasions). Maybe...

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