Tarantulas, Humidity, and Rice

The most challenging mission trip I ever led was to Belize. It was back in 2011. Our team of 30 flew into Belize City and then drove 2 hours inland to a town near the Guatemala border. One portion of our group helped with construction at a local church. Another assisted in tutoring at a...

Long Range Staffing @Unity

We shared some exciting news at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday. I’ll share that news with you again here in case you missed it on Sunday. The Session held their annual retreat on Saturday. A large portion of that meeting was dedicated to assessing Unity’s needs and creating a long term staffing plan. The...

Here’s to 2019!

Hello Unity! I feel like it has been awhile since I have been able to send out one of these notes. The holiday season was a busy one! I bet you felt that in your household as well. The church was buzzing with activity over the past month. I am extremely grateful for all of...

A Snowy Pause

Snow day! Did you enjoy the snow on Sunday and Monday? After spending ten years in Florida, a place where it is still in the 70’s this week, I found myself very excited to play in the snow. Having a six and a four-year-old only added to the excitement. We built a snow man. We...


“It’s the most wonderful time of the year With the kids jingle belling And everyone telling you be of good cheer It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Do you recognize this Christmas carol? It is one of my favorites. This carol reminds us of all of the good that comes during this Christmas...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Unity’s Fellowship Hall has been busy this week. This past Sunday Janice and Beth (along with their team) hosted a Thanksgiving meal for the whole congregation. Then on Monday, Catawba Springs Elementary brought all of their kindergarteners for their own Thanksgiving feast. A day later, on Tuesday, the Unity Preschool held their Thanksgiving...

Is it Fall or Winter?

The seasons are changing. Can you feel it? Technically it is still fall, but it doesn’t exactly feel like it outside. Highs have been in the mid-40s this week. There is a definite chill in the air. You can tell that winter is around the corner, even though it doesn’t actually begin until a month...

All-Church Retreat Recap

What a retreat! My family joined about 40 others from Unity this past weekend for our All-Church Retreat to Montreat’s Presbyterian Conference Center. About half of the group had never visited Montreat before, and the other half couldn’t wait to get back. I have a couple of highlights from the retreat that I’d like to...

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I am looking forward to celebrating Halloween tonight by taking Zoe and Riley trick or treating. They are at an ideal age for this tradition. They are excited about their costumes (a mermaid and a mermaid riding a seahorse) and can’t wait to get lots of candy. I’m looking forward to teaching them...

Gospel Concert – Building Bridges to Racial Unity

A community of faith gathered at Unity Presbyterian Church on October 14, 2018 for a Gospel Concert that  provided a  history of gospel music, including how it has evolved both in the African-American and the white churches. The concert was an outgrowth of a collaborative commitment that seven area churches have made to become better...

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