Red Clay

I did not realize that this part of North Carolina had so much red clay until I moved here and began gardening. Previously I had spent time in the North Carolina mountains where the soil is different. I assumed it would be the same in the Piedmont. And then I started digging. Sarah and I...

Worship, Grow, Serve, Join

Worship, grow, serve, join.  These are the four steps that are being promoted through our brand new welcome center. For the last few weeks, your congregational care team, along with your ushers, have been discussing how to help visitors get connected to the church. One idea that emerged from these conversations was creating a welcome center. You probably noticed...

New Ministry Team

Every stage of life brings new challenges and new opportunities.  I’ve bet you’ve noticed that, haven’t you? Life was different when you were fresh out of college, eager to start a career. Life changed again if you had kids, and you became immersed in their sports and clubs and school. Life changes every time you...

Golf Tournament 2018

Enjoy scenes from our Missions Golf Tournament on Monday, April 30, 2018.

It’s Official!

This past Sunday was my installation as senior pastor of Unity. I feel deeply grateful for the volunteers who spent countless hours working to make the service and dinner so incredible. I have quite a few highlights: -Dinner.  Wow! I have heard since my arrival how delicious Jack Wong and company’s meals can be. I...

A Thin Place

Today I am in Montreat, NC. I am attending my first meeting of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina. These meetings remind me how much of a blessing it is to be a Presbyterian. As a Presbyterian Church, we are a part of a network of churches that care for, support, and pray for one...

Looking out the Window

Do you see the picture with this post? That has been the view from my kitchen window for the past month or so. My family and I have been living in the church manse as we get settled in the Denver area. There are a lot of good aspects about living so close to the...

One Month In…

That is how long my family and I have been in Denver so far. This first month has been packed full with new experiences. Some of my favorites have been:     -Hiking the High Shoals Falls trail in South Mountain State Park.     -Getting a 12 ounce latte at Cabellas and discovering that it comes...

Building Bridges to Racial Unity

On March 11, Compassion, Peace & Justice (CPJ) committee members hosted 15 African-American community leaders for dinner and discussion on racism. Through this event, CPJ, on behalf of Unity, reached out to our neighbors and invited them to talk about their life experiences growing up and living in East Lincoln. CPJ members listened and learned...

Amazing Easter!

What an Easter!  Thank you for joining us in that tremendous celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. As I was reflecting on the day I was particularly struck by how joyful the morning felt. It made me wish that everyday could feel like that.  And maybe everyday could… What if we woke up every morning and the...

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