Our Offerings at Work – The One Great Hour of Sharing

PRESBYTERIAN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (PDA) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency and refugee program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It enables our congregations and mission partners to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events. Find an interactive world map with OGHS recipients at www.pcusa.org/oghsmap....

Clothing Drive Benefits Elementary Students

Our UConnect Elementary children collected donations of clothing for a local elementary school. They delivered 54 pairs of new pants, 63 pairs of mittens, plus belts, hats and tops. The school counselor sent this report: I wanted to share something that just happened. I had a 3rd grader who came to school with a very...

International Peacemaker Visits Unity

  Seventy members and friends of Unity Presbyterian Church in Denver, North Carolina, gathered on October 8 to hear the International Peacemaker Achol Majok Kur Kier (Achol for short) share stories about working for peace and justice in South Sudan. Achol was one of sixteen International Peacemakers that the Presbyterian Church (USA) brought to the...

Access2Success Soulful Supper

The Access to Success (A2S) Foundation’s annual fundraising dinner Soulful Supper- A Chefs Event was held Thursday, September 21 at Langtree Plantation in Mooresville, NC. Unity served as a Hope Sponsor for the event and provided themed gift baskets for the silent auction. Baskets were provided by Presbyterian Women (Bird Lovers), Compassion, Peace and Justice...

Vacation Bible School – June 26 – 30, 2017

We sure had an exiting week talking about being God’s creation! He made us, he loves us, he cares for us, and he has a plan for our lives – WOW GOD!!! You are awesome!! Almost 100 children and 50 volunteers had a joyful week… just see from the pictures below!

Thursday in Guatemala

Day Four of stove delivery went much smoother than Day Three as we returned to the mountain area of Acetenango. We were able to deliver all fifteen of our stoves to a group of homes outside a small city. All the homes were constructed of corrugated metal with dirt floors. Most had a single light...

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