Vision Sunday

This Sunday is Visioning Sunday. What is God’s vision for Unity Presbyterian in 2023? Where is God at work in us— both individually and corporately? Where do we feel God nudging our hearts? Once a year, we dedicate a Sunday to asking these questions. I believe God is leading this church and it is our...

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Each Wednesday I lead a Bible study at 5 pm, followed by a church-wide dinner at 5:45 pm. This week our Bible study topic is Embracing Your Uniqueness. In today’s newsletter, I’d like to explore this topic. Many of us have the following psalm nearly memorized because we’ve heard it repeated so many times: I...

Overcoming Challenges

How can you overcome the challenges in your life? Unfortunately, obstacles and heartache are a part of the human experience. We can’t avoid them and will only cause ourselves frustration by trying to. The challenges of life come in many forms: Conflicts with family. Sleepless nights due to stress. Holding a grudge because of a...

Year 1 of Artisan Church

One year ago Unity partnered with the Presbytery of North Carolina to start a new church in Lincolnton— Artisan Church. Over the course of the year, God has formed a strong community of people who are engaged in weekly worship and growing deeper in faith. It has been incredible to watch. Here’s a list of highlights...

Children’s Ministry @ Unity

Our children’s ministry is booming! It is so fun to see 20-25 kids engaged each week in Sunday school! Session has been at work to create a plan to keep this momentum growing, even as Bailey transitions. Here’s how they plan to accomplish it: Pastor Dana will shift her responsibilities in order to shepherd the...

Faith = Trust

Faith, as we see in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus’ usage of them, is much closer to our words “trust” or “confidence” than it is about believing doctrines to be true. —Richard Rohr. This Sunday we’ll continue our exploration of Strange Stories in the Bible. This week’s story discusses having enough faith to move mountains. Have...

Saying Goodbye to Bailey

Unity Congregation, I share with you the news that Bailey Beam has accepted the position of Chorus/Music Teacher at East Lincoln Middle School and North Lincoln Middle School. Bailey started as Unity’s Director of Children’s Ministry in July of 2019. In her three years at Unity, she has shepherded a robust children’s program through Sunday...

THAT’s in the Bible?

Summer is nearing a close and we’ve experienced a glimmer of fall this week. The lower temps and dropping humidity have been a welcome blessing after a hot couple of months. The season of the church is also changing. Fall ushers in the start of new programming and opportunities to get together. It also means we’ll...

Ways to Serve

This past Sunday was Volunteer Recognition Sunday at Unity. This was a moment to recognize that the church cannot function properly without volunteers. The church is not a building, it is the people. And a church that is active, healthy and thriving is one where each member is engaged in something they deeply care about....

A Summer of Questions

Summer has arrived! Summer means time on the lake, family vacations, and lots of warm weather. Summer also means a new Summer Preaching Series at Unity. Beginning this Sunday, June 12, we’ll begin a series that is based entirely on your questions. You may remember a couple of months ago I asked the congregation to...

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