Saying Goodbye to Bailey

Unity Congregation, I share with you the news that Bailey Beam has accepted the position of Chorus/Music Teacher at East Lincoln Middle School and North Lincoln Middle School. Bailey started as Unity’s Director of Children’s Ministry in July of 2019. In her three years at Unity, she has shepherded a robust children’s program through Sunday...

THAT’s in the Bible?

Summer is nearing a close and we’ve experienced a glimmer of fall this week. The lower temps and dropping humidity have been a welcome blessing after a hot couple of months. The season of the church is also changing. Fall ushers in the start of new programming and opportunities to get together. It also means we’ll...

Ways to Serve

This past Sunday was Volunteer Recognition Sunday at Unity. This was a moment to recognize that the church cannot function properly without volunteers. The church is not a building, it is the people. And a church that is active, healthy and thriving is one where each member is engaged in something they deeply care about....

A Summer of Questions

Summer has arrived! Summer means time on the lake, family vacations, and lots of warm weather. Summer also means a new Summer Preaching Series at Unity. Beginning this Sunday, June 12, we’ll begin a series that is based entirely on your questions. You may remember a couple of months ago I asked the congregation to...

Celebrating Pentecost

Years ago I read a book called Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect Of The Holy Spirit by a pastor named Francis Chan. The premise of this book is that the church in America has largely forgotten about the Holy Spirit. We spend a lot of time talking about Jesus and God but little time...

20 Years of Preschool

This picture is from one of the first preschool classes about 20 years ago! Tonight is preschool graduation for those children going on to kindergarten or TK. It will be a celebration of these students and their achievements. It will also celebrate something else very special. This is Unity’s preschool’s 20th year! For 20 years...

Celebrating Sally

Unity’s Office Manager, Sally Brissenden, has announced that she will be retiring at the end of June. Sally’s last day in the office will be June 30th, 2022. Please join me in thanking Sally for 15 years of service to this church! Her first day was on Oct. 8, 2007. A lot has happened within...

258 Years of Ministry

This coming Sunday is Homecoming Sunday. During the morning worship services we will celebrate those who have been members of Unity for over 40 years. We will also remember those who have died in the past year. Finally, we’ll recognize those who have joined within the past year. It will be a special time of...

Year 1 Complete

I’ve recently completed the first year of my Doctor of Ministry program (only two more to go!). Now I take a break until the fall when classes resume. One of my commitments to you is to share what I’ve learned after each semester. I enrolled in two classes this semester. The first class was called...

Holy Week

What makes this week holy? There are two meanings for the word holy. One— sacred, hallowed. Two— set apart for service to God. We call the week leading up to Easter Holy Week because of each of these definitions. This week is sacred. Christians consider it holy ground when we immerse ourselves in the events from...

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