Metaphors for God – Part 5

We’ve been studying the metaphors for God. So far we’ve learned… God is caring and compassionate like a mother hen. God is dependable like a rock. God will guide you through life like a shepherd. God will give himself for you like a sacrificial lamb. Let’s study together this week’s metaphor: This is the message...

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday and we have two opportunities for worship. A noon service— this will be a 30 minute reflective service. A 7 pm service— this will be a full service with the choir. The imposition of ashes will be offered at both services. Beginning at 5:30 pm we will offer a pancake dinner...

Metaphors for God – Part 4

Covid Protocols Update The session met last night and updated their covid protocols. Masks are now optional on campus, but still recommended for the immunocompromised. The far right side of the sanctuary will be reserved as a “masks required” section. Additionally, don’t forget that the church is happy to help you schedule your covid vaccine...

Metaphors for God – Part 3

In this blog we have been studying metaphors for God. Today’s metaphor will be a well known one to you: God as a shepherd. This is a common metaphor in the Bible. Perhaps most recognizable comes from one of King David’s psalm, Psalm 23, that begins… The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want....

Metaphors for God – Part 2

What is God like? God is infinite, limitless— how do we wrap our minds around that? How do we even begin to use language to describe who God is and what God is like? It turns out, the biblical authors employed the use of metaphor over and over again to describe God. Here are a...

Metaphors for God – Part 1

About a month ago my daughter, Gemma, got to participate in the nativity skit during the 4:30 pm Christmas Eve service. She didn’t know she was playing a part. Since she’s only six months old, she just comes along for the ride. But I, as her father, was so proud to see her in this...

Comfort and Compassion

This past Sunday I preached on the purpose of pain. Let’s continue to explore this topic. Pain and suffering are universal. What I mean by this is that every human on earth will go through painful experiences. Every person who has ever lived has gone through periods of suffering. The particular type of pain I experience...

A Snowy Day

What do you do when you’re snowed into your house? You build a snow fort, of course. My daughters and I spent yesterday morning building a snow fort in the back yard. The goal, as Zoe said it, was to build it large enough so the dog couldn’t get in. Our labradoodle, Annie, has a...

Installing New Elders

This Sunday we will ordain and install Unity’s new class of elders. This is an exciting time in the church! Elders are men and women who have responded to God’s call to serve Unity for a three year term. Elders have many responsibilities, but here are two of the main ones: 1. Elders serve on...

O Holy Night

What is the gift of Christmas? I don’t meant the gifts you will receive at Christmas, or even the gifts you will give at Christmas. The gift of Christmas is not the presents under the tree; it is not something we wrap at all. “God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of...

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