Christmas Memories


“Remembrance, like a candle, burns brightest at Christmastime.” — Charles Dickens

Christmas is a time of remembrance. Memories of past Christmases come to my mind frequently as the season progresses.

I remember the first Christmas with my daughter Zoe nine years ago. She was only 3 weeks old. She received so many presents from eager family members. This is a cherished memory.

I remember a Christmas when I was 12 years old. My brothers and I were hoping and praying for one specific gift: a Nintendo 64. Opening up that gaming system is still the most excited I’ve been opening up a present.

What memories come to your mind this Christmas season?

Not all of our Christmas memories are positive. This time of year can be hard for some, as memories of those we’ve lost affect us more deeply. Both the cherished and the challenging memories burn more brightly this time of year.

Even so, as you reflect on these memories, remember… Christmas is not entirely about the past.

A verse I am meditating on today speaks of the present nature of Christmas:

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
-Luke 2:11

These words were spoken by an angel to a group of scared shepherds in the field.

A Savior has been born today. 

These words are true for us too. Jesus is our Savior today. The abiding message of Christmas is found in these words. The Savior of the world has come. We celebrate and we share gifts and create new memories because of this central truth.

Let that message sink deeply into your heart and soul.

This Christmas, reflect on the cherished memories from past Christmases. And embrace the Savior who is here today.

This Sunday the choir will lead both services for a Lessons and Carols service. I can’t wait! It is going to be fantastic.

See you on Sunday!

-Pastor David

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