I’m so excited!!
This Sunday is Commitment Sunday.
On March 23, you’ll have the opportunity to be part of Our Legacy, Our Future by turning in your Commitment Card. In addition, you can also bring along any “First Fruits” offering that you’d like to make as a first payment towards your pledge. When making an offering, indicate that it goes to the Capital Campaign Fund on the check or electronic giving.
We hope to have all of the Capital Campaign commitments turned in by this Sunday.
This is going to be a big moment for our church. This is an opportunity to invest in the future of Unity.
It will take all of us together to accomplish the vision that has been laid before us.
What happens next?
Our Finance Team will compile the results of the Capital Campaign. Then we will share the results of the campaign on April 6.
We are calling this our Celebration Sunday!
Join us on April 6 as we celebrate the next exciting step in Unity’s long history. The music of the morning will be joyful and festive. A special musician (a trumpet player) will join the handbells, the choir and Makenzie as we make a joyful noise to the Lord.
Remember our theme verse?
It says to “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.” That’s exactly what we will be doing.
Over the subsequent months, you will see the projects begin.
The session, in partnership with the Buildings and Grounds Team and the Finance Team, are creating a timeline for our projects. We will share specific details once they become available.
Over time, you will see expanded parking, a renovated playground, an updated CYC, and more.
Our campus will be changing for the better over the next two years. On Sunday, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in this momentous event by turning in a commitment.
Remember— the size of the gift does not matter.
This campaign is a chance for all of us to join together for a greater purpose. Even if you believe your gift is too small to make a difference, I encourage you to turn in a commitment anyway. Because I know the power of small gifts. When combined with others, they make an outsized impact.
During this season of Lent, listen for the voice of God in your life to discern how God may be asking you to be involved.
There are three ways you can turn in your commitment:
1. Place it in the box in the Gathering Area.
2. Email it to our treasurer, Joe Lampron, at unityfinance64@gmail.com.
3. Submit it online at https://unitypres.elvanto.net/form/3f69e234-b2b8-419e-9470-a7403d03933e.
On Sunday, I’ll preach about the last theme of this Capital Campaign: Our Legacy.
See you on Sunday!
—Pastor David