Four Summer Camps

Summer may seem far away, but it doesn’t feel that way to most parents.

Summer break begins on May 22 for Lincoln County schools and parents (especially those who are working full time) are currently making decisions about how their kids will spend their summer.

The church is here to help!

The Children and Youth team at Unity is thrilled to announce FOUR summer camp offerings.

Not only will these offerings help working parents, but they will invest in the spiritual development of our children and youth. I don’t know about you, but Vacation Bible School and summer camps were some of the most formative experiences of my faith.

Pastor Dana shepherds our children and youth program. She says, “One thing I love about Unity is that we are a church that is open to change.  We are a church that is not stagnant, but is always looking for new ways to grow and create opportunity. Two years ago, members of Unity’s staff began discussing the exuberant cost of childcare and exploring Unity’s role in helping with this injustice.
Our hope is that these summer camps will help to bridge the gap between the working class and affordable childcare during the summer months.  Our hope is that we can offer a safe, fun, creative space for the kids in our community to come and build relationships with one another and draw closer to God.  Our hope is to plant seeds in our younger generations while also helping parents to have affordable options for their children when school is not in session. Join us in celebrating this wonderful new endeavor for Unity!”


Unity’s Four Summer Camps

Vacation Bible School— June 2-5 from 8:30 – 11:30am.
Theme:  True North- Finding Jesus in the Wilderness.
This camp is free and open to any kids from age 3.5 to 6th grade.


Melody and Masterpieces: Fine Arts Camp— June 23-27 from 8:30 – 11:30am.
Ocean Theme
This camp is $100 (which covers supplies and art teacher stipends) and is open to rising 1st thru 6th grade. Maximum of 50 students. It will be led by the art and music teachers from Catawba Springs Elementary.


Melody and Masterpieces: Fine Arts Camp— July 7-11 from 8:30 – 11:30am.
Jungle Theme
This camp is $100 (which covers supplies and art teacher stipends) and is open to rising 1st thru 6th grade. Maximum of 50 students. It will be led by the art and music teachers from Catawba Springs Elementary.


Drama and Music Camp – July 21-25 from 8:30 – 11:30am.

Kids will perform the musical “Rescue in the Night” (a retelling of Daniel and the Lion’s Den) during the worship service on July 27th.
This is open to rising kindergarteners thru high school. Maximum of 30 students.  Fee is $25


Registration: All camps are open to registration through our website:

Moses teaches us the importance of teaching the faith to the next generation.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
—Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Summer camps are creative ways to share the faith with children. This is one major way our church can invest in the next generation.

P.S. The Capital Campaign is in full swing! Thank you to all who have turned in a commitment. We hope to have them all collected by March 23. There are three ways you can turn in your commitment:

1. Place it in the box in the Gathering Area.

2. Email it to our treasurer, Joe Lampron at

3. Submit it online at

Thank you for your generous support of the missions of Unity!

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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