It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Ok, I know I’m getting ahead of myself. Its not even Thanksgiving yet! But…Advent begins just three days after Thanksgiving. So I find myself in the Christmas spirit already.
This Sunday, December 1, is the first Sunday in the season of Advent. The term advent comes from a Latin word that means arrival or coming. The season of Advent is a season of anticipation at the arrival/coming of Jesus into the world. This season takes place on the four Sundays directly preceding Christmas.
At Unity, we have been planning for Advent for many months. This summer, Carleen Prue shared with me that she wanted to paint a backdrop for the Advent season (pictured above). Carleen has already created so many wonderful pieces of art for our church (the Last Supper is a continual favorite). I was thrilled to hear that she wanted to contribute an additional piece.
Carleen recruited two other artists to help her paint the set: Cathy Norris and Sally Moore. Together, they worked for the past couple of months to create this new art installation. When you see them, please help me thank Carleen, Cathy, and Sally for their wonderful gift to the church.
The backdrop was housed in the CYC while they worked. Each time I saw it I became a little more excited for Christmas. This Sunday we will be debuting the new art installation in worship. Our hope is that the art immerses you into the story of Christmas. Recall that Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise Men are not characters in a story- they were real people whom God used in his story of redemption. This Sunday we will study the role of Mary in particular, and her response to God’s incredible call.
Below you will find the Advent Calendar for Unity. I want to highlight the choir’s Christmas Cantata on Dec. 22 as well as our three Christmas Eve services. I’m looking forward to a wonderful season of Advent as we anticipate together the arrival of Christ.
Advent Calendar:December 1
9:30 and 11am—First Sunday of Advent—Hope
3:00pm— Cookie Exchange and Christmas Decorating

December 5, 6 (7:30pm) & 7 (3:00pm)
East Lincoln Community Chorus at Unity

December 8
9:30 and 11am—Second Sunday of Advent—Peace

December 12
6:00pm— Preschool Christmas Pageant

December 15
9:30 and 11:00am— Third Sunday of Advent—Joy

December 22
9:30 and 11:00am—Fourth Sunday of Advent—Love
Unity Choir Christmas Cantata

December 24—Christmas Eve Services
4:30pm—Live Nativity; Tailored for Children
7:00pm– Communion & Candlelight with Children’s Time
11:00pm– Communion & Candlelight

December 29
10:00am— One service in the sanctuary

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