March Worship Calendar

This Sunday, we will start a new four-week sermon series highlighting the themes of our capital campaign.

Here is our upcoming worship calendar:

March 2- Theme: Faithfulness

Our focus will be on Psalm 100: Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.


March 5- Ash Wednesday.

11:30 am: Midday Ash Wednesday Service (30 minutes)

5:45 pm: Pancake Dinner

6:30 pm: Evening Ash Wednesday Service

The imposition of ashes will be offered at both services.
March 9- Theme: Generosity

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
—Proverbs 11:25
March 16- Theme: Our Future

We will explore ways to invest in the next generation and strengthen Unity for the future.
March 23- Theme: Our Legacy

Unity has a 261-year history. What can we learn from our past to prepare us for the future?
You’ll have one more chance to hear the full capital campaign presentation. It will be at breakfast this Sunday at 8:30 am. All are welcome to join us (even if you’ve heard the presentation before— just come for breakfast!).

We filmed the presentation from this past Sunday. It is available online to anyone who would like to watch it:

If you have already decided to give a gift to the capital campaign– thank you! You can bring your Commitment Card to church on Sunday. We will have a box in the Gathering Area to place cards. We hope to collect all cards between now and March 23.

A generous commitment was turned in recently and the person said, “I’ve never been more excited to be a part of a church.”

I hope you feel this way too! The work of God is thriving at Unity and it is because of this incredible congregation!

As a pastor, I come into work every day excited to see what God will do next through this community.

See you on Sunday!

–Pastor David

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