Compassion Peace and Justice

As an offshoot of our Mission Team, the Compassion, Peace, and Justice Team (CPJ) supports initiatives to make our world a better place. Covering areas such as human trafficking, interfaith relations, domestic terrorism, racism, hunger, poverty, compassion for animals, and promotion of peace poles, we work to educate our members, the Unity congregation, and those around us on these topics.

The CPJ Team is promoting a series of workshops held by our pastors to learn about the lives of others. Called “Walking in Their Shoes” these workshops focus on people with different life experiences, different faiths, races, nationalities, and abilities. We have planted several peace poles in the Denver community, one of which is on Unity’s property for all who drive by to see and be reminded that our goal is peace in the world. It has invited those of different faiths to come and “break bread” together so that bridges of understanding can be built. The Team continues to hold seminars that keep Unity members informed of topics that affect the church, locally as well as globally, emphasizing Unity’s commitment to serving as a Matthew 25 congregation through the PC(USA).

We stand up to initiate, promote, and/or support efforts that complement or supplement Unity’s already strong commitment to compassion, peacemaking, and justice. We recognize that these are areas of Mission, and therefore we provide representation on that Team and work to support and widen its efforts. Our starting point is the PC/USA’s existing “Commitment to Peacemaking” document (signed by Unity’s Session, Dec 2009).  It provides a framework within which to plan worship, prayer and bible study, community ministries, and more.





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