Welcome To Unity Church

Unity Presbyterian Group Photo

This is a place of authentic welcome and deep friendships.  We are a community of new parents, retirees, kids, singles, and couples, all on a journey to deepen our faith with God. We value our diversity, and welcome you to join us from wherever you are. We’d love to get to know you!

Scroll down to sign up for our newsletter, or download our church app to your phone HERE. You can also click here to learn about Artisan Church, our sister church in Lincolnton, NC.

Latest From The Blog

Enjoy the following blog posts from Pastor David he reflects on worship and other topics.

Four Summer Camps

Summer may seem far away, but it doesn’t feel that way to most parents. Summer break begins on May 22 for Lincoln County schools and parents (especially those who are working full time) are currently making decisions about how their kids will spend their summer. The church is here to help! The Children and Youth...

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”   Churches around the world will repeat this phrase tomorrow night as ash is placed on one’s forehead in the form of a cross. Where does that phrase come from? And why do we say it? This phrase comes from Genesis 3:19. Here’s the...
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