Welcome To Unity Church

Unity Presbyterian Group Photo

This is a place of authentic welcome and deep friendships.  We are a community of new parents, retirees, kids, singles, and couples, all on a journey to deepen our faith with God. We value our diversity, and welcome you to join us from wherever you are. We’d love to get to know you!

Scroll down to sign up for our newsletter, or download our church app to your phone HERE. You can also click here to learn about Artisan Church, our sister church in Lincolnton, NC.

Latest From The Blog

Enjoy the following blog posts from Pastor David he reflects on worship and other topics.

The Values of Jesus

Value: a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life. What do you value? Consider how you might answer the question “What are your core values?” Or “What do you value the most?” Perhaps you’d say your family. That would be at the top of my list. Maybe you...

Wednesdays are Back

Imagine a gospel without stories of Jesus’ birth, the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, the Lord’s prayer, the beatitudes or the golden rule. That’s the gospel of Mark! Mark does not include any of these well known stories. It is a very unique gospel. Mark is the shortest of the four gospels. It is also...
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