VBS Reflections

As of writing this, we are halfway through Vacation Bible School!

So far, it has been phenomenal.

130 kids have shown up in the first two days. Over 40 volunteers have assisted them. Here’s a rundown of the schedule:

8:30 to 9 am: Big Opener

Pastor Dana and I lead a skit about an underwater scuba diver who is hunting for buried treasure. He ends up learning a lot about God along the way. We also lead songs, dances, and God Sightings.

9:30 to 11 am: Station Rotations

Each student is assigned a crew (there are eight total). The crew leaders shepherd the children to different stations— Games, snacks, Imagination Station, Bible stories, etc. Each station has several volunteers to lead.

11 to 11:30 am: Closing Ceremony

The crews are competing to see who can collect the most cans of food. The cans will be donated to East Lincoln Christian Ministries at the end of the week. During the closing, we announce the day’s winner with the most cans/food items. We also teach a Jesus Connection and additional songs/dances.

Please continue to pray that every student who attends VBS will come to understand the deep love God has for them. Each child is so precious to God and we want them to feel that warmth and connection.

And a special thank you to Pastor Dana and all of the VBS volunteers! This week would not be possible without all of their time and effort.

This week we will have breakfast at 8:30 am. The VBS children will be performing a song— come support them!

We are in the midst of our Divine Disruptions series. This Sunday, we will study a little known story about Obadiah and the way he had to risk his life to follow God. Want a sneak peek? Read 1 Kings 17.

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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