Vision of 2025

Vision— the ability to plan for the future with imagination and wisdom.

What is our vision for Unity in 2025?

The exciting (and slightly daunting) reality is that we are not in charge of setting the vision for Unity.

This is not our church. This is God’s church.

We must trust God to set the vision for Unity’s future.

Our job is to humbly discern together what we believe God is doing in our midst.

God is incredibly active in our world. Every second of each day God is at work in the hearts of millions of people around the world.

Yet sometimes, we need to slow down long enough to feel God’s gentle prompting. God whispers. God doesn’t shout. We must carefully listen.

That’s why each year we designate one Sunday as Visioning Sunday.

This is our moment to sit quietly before God and pray for the future of the church.

What will God want to accomplish through Unity in 2025? On Sunday, we will set aside time to ask this incredibly important question. I hope you’ll join us in prayer (if you are out of town, please commit time this week to praying).

Visioning Sunday is the kick-off to our Stewardship Campaign.

What we can accomplish in 2025 depends in part on what is donated to the church for ministry and mission.

You have an opportunity to participate in this year’s campaign by turning in an Estimate of Giving. At the end of the campaign, we will use the estimates to create the 2025 church budget.

We know that circumstances change. Estimates are not binding. They are simply an estimate of what you think you can give to Unity in 2025.

Each of you will receive in the mail this week a letter from the pastors along with an Estimate of Giving. You can mail it back to the church in the self-addressed envelope. Or you can bring the estimate with you to church. There is a box in the Gathering Area.

Or you can fill out an estimate online at

We hope to have all of the estimates turned in by Nov. 10. Thank you for your generosity to this congregation.

We are able to accomplish so much in God’s name because of you. 2024 was an incredible year of ministry.

—our children and youth programming is growing at a staggering rate

—our Wednesday Night Dinners are the place to be in Denver on Wednesdays

—our missions are both wide-ranging in their scope and deep in their impact

There is MUCH to celebrate. I can’t wait to see what God will do in 2025.

Our theme verse for this campaign is from Romans:

“For everything comes from God and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To God be the glory forever!”
—Romans 11:36

Please partner with us on this exciting adventure of faith. To God be the glory.

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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