From Ken Sipes: In my 25 years on staff at Florence Crittenton in Charlotte, I have been through some 10,000 deliveries, but never have I experienced 31 in a day. Stove deliveries, day 3, on a mostly rainy day in a Mayan village high on a volcanic mountain set a new bar for access difficulty. Headed back today for more challenges, but the appreciative families make the effort so worthwhile. hasta leugo.
From Gail Satterthwaite: Day Three of stove deliveries was tough but we got it done! We delivered 31 stoves, more stoves in a day than the stove teams have delivered in seven trips over the last four years! And the deliveries were in the high hills around Acetenago volcano (not active!) We rode in the back of the two pickup trucks for about 45 minutes to get to the location. Most of the deliveries were in one small town but the last six were in a town full of 45 degree streets in the rain up steps that were difficult to walk without carrying anything. And then the 45 minute back to Casa Angelina in the pouring down rain. Thanks to Rick Rhodes and his sons, Ethan and Evan for helping on Day Three of stove delivery.
From Martha Minter (back at the Casa Angelina orphanage): After being escorted from the bus by happy smiling children we got busy at work. Today’s work was fine tuning our trench/hole digging skills in order to locate water pipe lines and shut off valves for 13 houses. We then began the process of putting water meters at each house. It’s the rainy season today so it was cool and damp all day.