Wednesdays are Back

Imagine a gospel without stories of Jesus’ birth, the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, the Lord’s prayer, the beatitudes or the golden rule. That’s the gospel of Mark!

Mark does not include any of these well known stories. It is a very unique gospel.

Mark is the shortest of the four gospels. It is also the first one to be written. It was most likely written around 65 A.D. (30 years after Jesus’ death).

This was a moment of transition for the church. The generation of original apostles was dying out and a new generation that did not walk with Jesus physically were growing up. This document may have been an attempt to put into writing what had been known to the original disciples.

This time period involved intense Roman persecution. It was around 65 A.D. that Peter, Paul and many other church leaders were martyred by emperor Nero. The church was losing its original leadership. This gospel served as a guiding document for the next generation of leaders.

Starting Wednesday, the Bible study that meets before the dinner will study the Gospel of Mark. Join us at 4:45 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome.

We have a lot starting up tomorrow. Here is a run down of all the events:

4:45 pm: Bible study

5 pm: God and Art

Praise Party

Mom 2 Mom

5:45 pm: Church dinner

3:16 Students (5th to 8th grade)

7 pm: Choir rehearsal

I hope to see you tomorrow for what will surely be a very fun evening!

—Pastor David

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